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Tessa Cavendish is Getting Married (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Tessa Cavendish is Getting Married (EN)

Embarking on a journey to say "I do", Tessa and Leo's idea of an intimate celebration takes a wild turn when their mums go head-to-head, turning the wedding planning into a comedic battleground.Tessa's mom, Patricia, is determined to turn their wedding into a grand spectacle, while Leo's mother, Grace, has her own ideas of tradition and legacy. From secret guest list expansions to dueling wedding dress choices, the soon-to-be-wed couple finds themselves caught in a whirlwind of chaos and conflicting desires.As tensions rise and wedding plans spiral out of control, Tessa and Leo start to wonder if they'll make it through the big day...A hilarious tug-of-war, this novel is perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Jasmine Guillory and Jaime Brenner.

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Názov: Tessa Cavendish is Getting Married (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK112085

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