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Season to Kill (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Season to Kill (EN)

Beneath the blooms of Chelsea Flower Show, danger lurks behind every petal... When a suspicious death occurs at the high-profile book launch party of Welsh TV chef Griff Madoc, DI Angela Costello finds herself entangled in yet another tantalizing web of intrigueWith cyanide-laced champagne and a long list of suspects, DI Costello and her team must unravel the truth behind the deadly incident before it's lights out for another victim...A thrilling and entertaining read, "Season to Kill" is the fourth instalment of Elizabeth Flynn's popular DI Costello series. It is perfect for fans of Richard Osman's "The Thursday Murder Club".´Flynn creates an appealing detective inspector in Angela Costello - let's hope there's more of her to come'- Publisher's Weekly

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Názov: Season to Kill (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK111979

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