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Shame the Devil (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Shame the Devil (EN)

When a young father and well-liked sports coach is stabbed to death on his front doorstep in East London, D.I. Matthew Denning and D.S. Molly Fisher are quickly thrown into an investigation with no leads to follow...And when the body of a respectable schoolteacher is discovered, the two murders mirroring each other, the case gets even more complex.As the mystery unfolds, Denning and Fisher unearth a sinister connection between the victims. But the closer they get to the truth, the closer they come to the ruthless killer's crosshairs...."Shame the Devil" is the fifth book in the D.I. Denning and D.S. Fisher series.A gripping, twisty London-set detective novel that will thrill fans of Peter James, Robert Bryndza, and "Line of Duty".

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Shame the Devil (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK111978

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