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All The Lovers In The Night

Vydavateľ: PanMacmillan (PanMacmillan)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 26.12.2024 03:04

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Obsah knihy: All The Lovers In The Night

National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist 'Mieko Kawakami is a genius' - Naoise Dolan, author of Exciting TimesFrom international literary sensation Mieko Kawakami comes All the Lovers in the Night, an extraordinary, deeply moving and insightful story set in contemporary Tokyo.Fuyuko Irie is a freelance proofreader in her thirties. Living alone and unable to form meaningful relationships, she has little contact with anyone other than her colleagues. But a chance encounter with a man named Mitsutsuka awakens something new in her. As Fuyuko starts to see the world in a different light, painful memories from her past begin to resurface. Fuyuko needs to be loved, to be heard and to be seen. But living in a small world of her own making, will she find the strength to bring down the walls that surround her? Pulsing and poetic, modern and shocking, this is an unforgettable novel from Japan's most exciting writer.All the Lovers in the Night is translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett and David Boyd.

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