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A Wedding at the Jane Austen Dating Agency (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Wedding at the Jane Austen Dating Agency (EN)

Love, laughter, and lots of matchmaking mishaps.Sophie Johnson's life seems picture-perfect with her dream job at The Jane Austen Dating Agency and a relationship with the irresistible Darcy Drummond.But all is not as it seems. Darcy's awful mother is wrecking havoc, the agency is struggling, and then there's the amusing and disturbingly cute Henry Baxter who is making it hard for Sophie to focus.As the pressure mounts and her love life falters, Sophie must ask herself: Can she juggle it all and find her own happy ever after? Or is business and romance an impossible combination?A modern-day matchmaker's misadventure, this second novel in Woodifield's charming series is perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan, Sophie Kinsella and, of course, Jane Austen.´There were some wonderful surprises... Those, particularly Janeites, who enjoy light women's fiction blended with romantic comedy would be the target group for this one.´ - Austenprose´The Jane Austen Dating Agency may resemble the stories of both Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility at times but Fiona Woodifield has done a remarkable job of twisting these well-known plots into a very modern love story all of her own.´ - Travelling Book Junkie

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Názov: A Wedding at the Jane Austen Dating Agency (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK111434

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