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When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress

Vydavateľ: Random / Ebury (Random / Ebury)
Edícia:Cudzojazyčná literatúra
Počet strán:306
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 09.01.2025 03:02

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 13,56 €
Vaša predajná cena : 15,95 €
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Obsah knihy: When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress

Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between the ability to express emotions and Alzheimer's disease? Is there such a thing as a 'cancer personality'?

Drawing on deep scientific research and Dr Gabor Mate's acclaimed clinical work, When the Body Says No provides the answers to critical questions about the mind-body link - and the role that stress and our emotional makeup play in an array of common diseases.

When the Body Says No:

- Explores the role of the mind-body link in conditions and diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
- Shares dozens of enlightening case studies and stories, including those of people such as Lou Gehrig (ALS), Betty Ford (breast cancer), Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer's), Gilda Radner (ovarian cancer) and Lance Armstrong (testicular cancer)
- Reveals 'The Seven A's of Healing': principles in healing and the prevention of illness from hidden stress
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Názov: When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress

Objednávací kód NA672095

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