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Waste Not, Want Not in Applewell (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 13,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Waste Not, Want Not in Applewell (EN)

George can’t throw anything away. But he’s in danger of throwing away a chance at love.George Nightingale is a hoarder with a house full of junk. For years he’s kept it a secret, rarely leaving his house and keeping social interactions to a minimum, but his carefully balanced system is now under threat...Nessa Millbrook can’t wait to get settled into her new home in quaint, rural Applewell. Everyone in the village is so friendly – except her neighbour, George, who wants nothing to do with her. But Nessa isn’t one to back down from a challenge and she’s determined to win George over.The years have taught George to shield his heart and trust no one. Yet Nessa keeps reaching out to him – does he have the courage to take a chance, and reach back?A gorgeous romance with characters readers will fall in love with, perfect for fans of Holly Martin and Portia MacIntosh.

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Názov: Waste Not, Want Not in Applewell (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110800

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