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The Collar – And Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Collar – And Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

‘The Collar – And Other Erotic Short Stories’ from Cupido is a collection that explores the world of BDM and kink. The stories feature dominant men or women, couples experimenting, and strangers who want to explore the limits of their sexuality with sexual role play, BDSM, ethical non-monogamy in tales of partner-swapping, and orgies shrouded in sexy mystique.The collection includes the following stories: 'Man in a Tight Squeeze', 'Her Lover', 'Bound', 'The Blue Sofa', 'Passing Exam', 'Overtime 2', 'Shared Happiness', 'Senseless', 'Another Wild Night', 'Wait', 'The Punishment 2', 'The Gem of the Collection', 'Bound', 'Cecilie.', 'The Secretary', 'In Rehab', 'Five Glasses of Champagne', 'Naughty Girl', 'The Punishment', 'The Collar', 'A Slave to Desire', 'The Luckiest Girl in the World', 'Invisible', 'Rosenborg Castle Gardens', 'Commando', 'Reward & Punishment', 'The Domination Game', 'Love Conquers All' and 'The Punishments'.CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984. Published in new sexy collections in collaboration between Hverdag AS/Cupido and Saga.

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Názov: The Collar – And Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110517

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