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If They Knew (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: If They Knew (EN)

"Grips from the first page. An emotive thriller which I couldn't put down."- Carys Jones, author of ´We Are All Liars´.Hannah and Charlie have finally achieved their dream family with their two-year-old daughter, Isabelle, after years of heartbreak. However, their happiness is threatened when a global popstar is found murdered in their sleepy Gloucestershire village, and Hannah's past comes back to haunt her. She is forced to make a dangerous choice - risk everything, even her own life, to protect her secrets.Meanwhile, Charlie must navigate his own secrets, which could destroy everything they've worked for. As the couple fights to keep their family together, they find themselves embroiled in a deadly game of lies and deceit, where the stakes are higher than ever before.Will they be able to outrun the darkness of their past or will it consume them all?"A pacy yet heartbreaking thriller... Fabulous read." - L.V. Matthews, author of ´The Twins´."Beautifully written and brimming with secrets. I loved it." - Louise Jensen, author of ´All For You´."A tense, emotional thriller with complex but relatable characters, and an agonising dilemma that grips from the first page." - Sarah Clarke, author of ´A Mother Never Lies´.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: If They Knew (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110319

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