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Murder Lost and Found (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Murder Lost and Found (EN)

Get ready to solve yet another fun mystery alongside Sophie Sayers!When a dead body is found in the school’s lost property over the summer holidays, it’s up to Sophie Sayers to get to the bottom of it – or face the threat of closure. But when the body disappears and the police refuse to investigate, a complex web of deceit causes trembles throughout the village.Can Sophie gather enough evidence to warrant an investigation? And more importantly, with the body now gone, will the killer strike again?Returning with the seventh adventure, Debbie Young’s bestselling ‘Sophie Sayer’s Village Mysteries’ series promises comforting feelings of community, warmth and humour, peppered with the usual dash of murder and deceit.Ideal for ‘whodunnit’ fans of Richard Osman, Verity Bright and Ann Sutton.

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Názov: Murder Lost and Found (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110121

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