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Morals Sleep at Night - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

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Jazyk: anglický
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Morals Sleep at Night - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

‘Morals Sleep at Night - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido’ is an anthology of erotica that centres around the dreamy fantasies of sexual encounters.From lust-filled daydreams and fiery fantasies to weddings and anniversaries, this collection has something for everyone.This book includes the following compilations:Morals sleep at nightThe AnniversaryOn the Way to the TopFantasy FridayDouble TalkThrough the Camera LensThe weddingBaking LoveDaydreamsWhen He and She met HerCup FinalWho’s In Charge?The wedding giftCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984. Published in new sexy collections in collaboration between Hverdag AS/Cupido and Saga.

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Názov: Morals Sleep at Night - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110120

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