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Mirror Hours: the series - a Time Travel Romance (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Mirror Hours: the series - a Time Travel Romance (EN)

After the untimely death of her husband Toby, Lady Victoria Howard discovers that she possesses the magical gift of time travelling, using an enchanted mirror in her grandmother's attic. During her foray through the mirror, she travels back in time, meeting people linked to her own aristocratic family, several generations earlier, which opens up some interesting questions for Victoria.In steamy, time-travelling adventures that would rival ‘Outlander’, Lady Victoria Howard travels to a variety of different time periods and countries, enjoying exciting new experiences and pleasures. From World War Two Paris, where she assumes the identity of a spy, to Marrakesh, where she meets a fellow time traveller. From being worshipped as a goddess by Vikings to Hollywood film sets where Victoria runs into Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in ‘Gone with the Wind’.In the present day, Victoria’s horizons are widened to new possibilities both in her sex life and personal life. She begins to learn truths about some of the people closest to her, and she begins to question her relationship with the sexy Jonathan and her best friend, Sally. Maybe having the ability to travel through time could be just as helpful as it is complicated.´Mirror Hours´ by Lady Victoria Howard is the full story about steamy time traveling romance that will thrill fans of ´Outlander´ and ´Bridgerton´."Fun, smart and slightly rebellious, Victoria sounds like a character you can believe in and get behind, making the story all the better." - Alice Broster, Bustle UK"For [anyone] who enjoys indulging in a little bit of erotica on the discrete, LVH is your new fantasy dream come true." - Elizabeth Hazard, ProvokrLady Victoria Howard is a pseudonym and part of a universe for an adult romance series that combines passion and history to create unforgettable fantasy encounters that will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Bridgerton’.

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Názov: Mirror Hours: the series - a Time Travel Romance (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110118

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