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The Friend in the Shower - And Other Queer Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

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Jazyk: anglický
Poradie vydania:1.
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Vaša predajná cena: 13,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Friend in the Shower - And Other Queer Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

‘The Friend in the Shower - And Other Queer Erotic Short Stories from Cupido’ is a collection that explores the rainbow spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ community, sexuality, and gender identity. From people who have never questioned whether they’re gay or not to straight married people with kids who suddenly discover that their best friend arouses them, making their nipples erect or their cock hard, there’s a story for every queer experience. The collection contains following short stories:'Buddies', 'B(anal) Hook Up', 'A Different Kind of Trip to Oslo', 'Water, Warmth and Sex', 'Workout', 'A Thrilling Custom', 'The Final Round', 'Friends', 'Transformation', 'Virgin', 'The Dream of a Woman', 'Good Times with the Girls', 'Girls’ Trip', 'I long to be with you', 'Anna', 'Our one-year anniversary', 'Convent School Surprise', 'My BFF', 'The Hotel Guest', 'Mountain Grouse', 'Ebony Night', '15.15', 'The Balloon', 'The courier and the lawyer' , 'A Night of Reminiscence', 'The Liquorice Ladies’ Night', 'Girl Sex 2', 'The Shock Experience By Irene', 'Beach Joys', 'Girlfriends and a Little Extra' and 'Girlsex 1'.CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984. Published in new sexy collections in collaboration between Hverdag AS/Cupido and Saga.

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Názov: The Friend in the Shower - And Other Queer Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110117

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