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The Royal Hotel Murders (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Royal Hotel Murders (EN)

Detective Inspector Andy Horton has a lot on his plate.A celebrity receives threatening phone calls.A nursing home resident is assaulted.A man is found in a pit with several of his fingers severed.Perry Jackson and his team are filming a new TV series about wrecks in the Solent and staying at the large and luxurious Royal Hotel on Portsmouth’s seafront. Shortly after they’ve checked in, Jackson receives a series of threatening phone calls telling him things such as "watch your back" and "you’ve been warned". Horton thinks it’s a publicity stunt to promote the new TV show.Meanwhile, at the Rest Haven Nursing Home, Mrs Kingsway says she’s been assaulted by an intruder, but there’s no sign of a break-in. The staff thinks she’s lost her marbles, but her son wants action from the police.And now a man in diving gear is found dead in Oldham’s Wharf. Several of his fingers are missing.The pressure is on. Detective Horton’s deep in a web of intrigue, deception and corruption that stretches back into the past. Can he find his way back and stop a killer?This absolutely gripping detective mystery is perfect for fans of Ann Cleeves, Joy Ellis, and Rachel McLean. The Royal Hotel Murders © Pauline Rowson 2023

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Názov: The Royal Hotel Murders (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110007

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