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Heartstopper: Volume 1

Vydavateľ: Hachette Children´s Group (Hachette Children´s Group)
Edícia:Cudzojazyčná literatúra
Séria:Heartstopper (1.diel)
Počet strán:263
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 09.01.2025 03:02

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 18,66 €
Vaša predajná cena : 21,95 €
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Obsah knihy: Heartstopper: Volume 1

Now in a gorgeous special-edition hardback: with an extra never-before-in-print mini-comic, beautiful endpapers and an exquisite foiled cover, this is an unmissable edition. Heartstopper is the bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel series about life, love, and everything that happens in between. *Also an acclaimed live-action Netflix series!*'Absolutely delightful. Sweet, romantic, kind. Beautifully paced. I loved this book.' RAINBOW ROWELL, author of Carry OnBoy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance.But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realised.By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.'The queer graphic novel we wished we had at high school.' Gay TimesThis special-edition hardback contains an extra never-before-in-print mini-comic, beautiful endpapers and an exquisite foiled cover. Collect all four Heartstopper hardbacks in 2023! Heartstopper was Children's #1 bestseller in the TCM chart on 23 April 2022.

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Názov: Heartstopper: Volume 1

Objednávací kód NA667790

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