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Death in the Cloisters (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Death in the Cloisters (EN)

The heavenly peace of the monastery of Santa Caterina is under threat: construction work in the old walls is making quiet contemplation almost impossible. There’s something a little peculiar about the new nun, Sister Donna, too.Before Sister Isabella can get to the heart of Sister Donna’s oddities, she’s found dead in the cloisters.The nuns are terrified and fear for their lives. Can Sister Isabella and Carabiniere Matteo find the killer before another disaster...?But there are bigger fish to fry than Donna's odd behaviour. The convent is undergoing renovations and Isabella has to supervise them. And as if that wasn’t enough, an unexpected guest has arrived - Gina Bellucci. Is she really seeking a getaway of peace and contemplation or is there more to her than meets the eye?Something is definitely afoot... But before Sister Isabella can get to the bottom of it, there's a murder...Monastery, Murder and Dolce Vita - a crime series like a holiday under the Italian sun. Fans of Richard Osman's 'Thursday Murder Club' will love this humorous cosy crime read.Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! This picturesque village in the heart of Tuscany is where Sister Isabella lives and works. But out of the blue, she suddenly finds herself investigating a murder case! From then on, this curious nun makes it her life's work to solve the crimes, large and small, that are committed in the village. Carabiniere Matteo is grateful for this heavenly help, because after all, as Santa Caterina's only policeman, he has his hands full...

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Názov: Death in the Cloisters (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK109544

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