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Love and Thunder (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Love and Thunder (EN)

Surrender to the laws of attraction and watch the sparks fly.As a world-renowned physicist, Lou Wright is used to making the most researched and logical choices. All of that goes out the proverbial window when it comes to Noah Anderson. He makes her irrational and absolutely dazed.But when Lou tries to act on her attraction, she crashes his one-night stand the morning after and thinks she’s got it all wrong. So terribly wrong. The attraction she felt for Noah complicates their workplace partnership and she avoids him at every turn. But Noah isn’t having that. He’s determined to win her over.Although Lou knows it isn’t smart to mix business with pleasure, the more time they spend together the more Lou wants him. It’s not like Lou has ever made the smart choice when it comes to the man so why start now?Perfect for fans of Ali Hazelwood and Talia Hibbert.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Love and Thunder (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK109497

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