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Pimpa Goes to China (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Pimpa Goes to China (EN)

Prepare yourself for yet another Pimpa-adventure! This time, the friendly, red-spotted dog travels abroad and meets a bunch of new friends along the way.Pimpa stumbles upon Jian-Jin, a Pekinese dog, who invites her to visit China on board a flying junk. When she arrives, she is met by Baobao, a friendly panda who takes her on an adventure in the land of dragons.Alongside her other new friends, like Tu the rabbit and Ma the horse, Pimpa is introduced to amazing traditions and places. Together, they cross the Yellow River and the Great Wall to get to a special tree, where Mao the cat is waiting for them...A tale filled with exploration, ´Pimpa Goes to China´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!

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Názov: Pimpa Goes to China (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK109232

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