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The Book of Eve: A beguiling historical feminist tale - inspired by the undeciphered Voynich manuscript

Vydavateľ: Headline (Headline Publishing Group)
Počet strán:353
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 20.01.2025 03:02

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 20,99 €
Vaša predajná cena : 24,69 €
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Obsah knihy: The Book of Eve: A beguiling historical feminist tale - inspired by the undeciphered Voynich manuscript

The Binding meets The Handmaid's Tale - Discovering a book of dark and ancient power, a convent librarian must defend it with her life. Perfect for fans of dark academia'A wonderfully rich and absorbing tale' Observer'Expertly crafted and beautifully told' Jennifer Saint'All so good. I read it in two days flat, and wish I had spaced it out more' REAL READER REVIEWBeatrice is the convent's librarian. For years, she has shunned the company of her sisters, finding solace only with her manuscripts. Then, one carnival night, two women, bleeding and stricken, are abandoned outside the convent's walls. Moments from death, one of them presses something into Beatrice's hands: a bewitching book whose pages have a dangerous life of their own. But men of the faith want the book destroyed, and a zealous preacher has tracked it to her door. Her sisters' lives - or her obsession. Beatrice must decide.The book's voice is growing stronger.An ancient power uncoils.Will she dare to listen?More praise for THE BOOK OF EVE:'What an extraordinary book' Harriet Tyce 'A ravishing, erudite feminist hijack of Renaissance' Alice Albinia'A beautifully written, utterly enthralling read' Karen Coles 'Mysterious, bewitching and beautiful' Elizabeth Lee'Brutal and haunting' Melissa Fu 'Erudite and bewitching' Costanza Casati

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Book of Eve: A beguiling historical feminist tale - inspired by the undeciphered Voynich manuscript

Objednávací kód NA666907

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