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The Dinner Lady Detectives (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Dinner Lady Detectives (EN)

Murder is a dish best served ice cold... In the idyllic, small town of Dewstow, Margery and Clementine are eagerly awaiting retirement from their work on the front-line serving meals to the students at Summerview secondary school.Their peaceful life is shattered when their kitchen manager is found dead in the school’s walk-in freezer. The police are adamant that it’s an open-and-shut case of accidental death. But Margery and Clementine are convinced that something more sinister is afoot and take it upon themselves to investigate.As the dinner ladies inch closer to the truth, time's running out. Will the perpetrator get their just desserts or is everything just going to go down the pan?A charming, cosy British mystery, ´The Dinner Lady Detectives´ is ideal for fans of Richard Osman's ´The Thursday Murder Club´ or ´Murder, She Wrote´.

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Názov: The Dinner Lady Detectives (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK108426

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