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Zen: The Art of Simple Living

Vydavateľ: Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.)
Počet strán:1
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
Informácie o dostupnosti

Posledná zmena: 22.11.2024 03:02

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 21,92 €
Vaša predajná cena : 25,79 €
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Obsah knihy: Zen: The Art of Simple Living

Give the gift of calm with Zen, the perfect antidote to the stress and uncertainty of modern life

'Brings the spirit of Zen Buddhism to everyday life . . . 100 snack-size Zen activities you can do daily to add more calm to your life' Daily Telegraph

Zen is the perfect antidote to the stress and uncertainty of modern life . . .

In clear, practical and easy to follow lessons - one a day for 100 days - renowned Buddhist monk Shunmyo Masuno draws on centuries of wisdom to show you how to apply the essence of Zen to modern life.

You will learn how to exhale deeply to eliminate negative emotions, to arrange your house simply to clear your thinking, to line up your shoes at night to bring order to your mind, to plant a single flower and watch it grow, to worry less about what you cannot control, and so much more . . .

You will even make time to think about nothing at all.

Simplify your life with the art of Zen, and learn how to feel more relaxed, fulfilled, and with a renewed sense of peace.

'Full of the simplest yet richest rituals to adopt in order to live a long and happy life, this book of wisdom is a soothing balm of peace for anyone living in the busy modern world' Psychologies

'Does for mental clutter what Marie Kondo has done for household clutter' Publisher's Weekly

'This little treasure needs to be at every bedside' llan Lokos, author of Through the Flames, Patience, and Pocket Peace

'Zen: The Art of Simple Living makes the wisdom of the Buddha radically accessible' Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, author of Emotional Rescue and Rebel Buddha

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Zen: The Art of Simple Living

Objednávací kód NA663451

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