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How Did It All Begin?

Vydavateľ: John Murray Press (John Murray Press)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 17.02.2025 03:04

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Obsah knihy: How Did It All Begin?

'Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet'

How did it all begin?

Is there a God?

Throughout his extraordinary career, Stephen Hawking expanded our understanding of the universe and unravelled some of its greatest mysteries. In How Did It All Begin? the world famous cosmologist and bestselling author of A Brief History of Time explores the fundamental questions of our existence.

'A brilliant mind' Daily Telegraph

Brief Answers, Big Questions: this stunning paperback series offers electrifying essays from one of the greatest minds of our age, taken from the original text of the No. 1 bestselling Brief Answers to the Big Questions.

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Názov: How Did It All Begin?

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