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Eunuchs and Nymphomaniacs

Vydavateľ: Hachette (hachette beletrie)
Počet strán:294
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 01.02.2025 03:01

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 16,32 €
Vaša predajná cena : 19,20 €
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Obsah knihy: Eunuchs and Nymphomaniacs

The New York Times bestselling author of Diary of an Oxygen Thief and Chameleon in a Candy Store is back with the spellbinding conclusion to the series.

You’ve never seen romance do this before. So brutally honest and breathtakingly perverse you’ll want to throw this book at the wall, but you’ll also want to know if it can possibly get any more disturbing (it can and it does). And as you start to wonder whether men and women were ever even meant to be together, a surprise ending brings the trilogy full circle and provides unexpected closure to an issue raised by a certain photographer's assistant in the first book. Eunuchs and Nymphomaniacs is about how we love today and how increasingly we try to avoid it altogether.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Eunuchs and Nymphomaniacs

Objednávací kód NA659719

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