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Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World

Vydavateľ: Puffin (Puffin)
Počet strán:208
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
Informácie o dostupnosti

Posledná zmena: 28.12.2024 03:02

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 28,- €
Vaša predajná cena : 32,94 €
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Obsah knihy: Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World

*From the author of the multi-million bestselling Sapiens comes an incredible new story of the human race, for younger readers.* We humans aren't strong like lions, we don't swim as well as dolphins, and we definitely don't have wings! So how did we end up ruling the world? The answer to that is one of the strangest tales you'll ever hear. And it's a true story . . . Have you ever wondered how we got here? From hunting mammoths, to flying to the moon? It is because we are unstoppable. But what made us so? Well, we have the most amazing superpower: the ability to tell stories. Fairy tales have led us from imagining ghosts and spirits to being able to create money (yes, really!). And this has made us very powerful . . . but very deadly. Nothing stands in our way, and we always want more. So get ready for the most amazing story there ever was - the incredible true tale of the Unstoppables. Find out how fire shrank our stomachs, how our ancestors spoke to animals, what football can tell us about being human, how we used our superpower for good and bad . . . and how YOU have the superpower to change the world. With full-colour illustrations showing the relentless rise and rise of the human race, this is history like you've never experienced it before.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World

Objednávací kód NA659167

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