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A Winter Wedding at Willowtree Hall (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 13,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Winter Wedding at Willowtree Hall (EN)

A feelgood Christmas love story set in a gorgeous country village, perfect for fans of Milly Johnson and Heidi Swain. Previously published as "A Way Back Home".After recent heartbreak, Skye Jackson is homeless and on the road with only a classic Airstream trailer to her name. A surprise inheritance of a rundown little lodge in the grounds of beautiful Willow Tree Hall forces her to change her plans. The only problem is that the lodge is co-owned by care-free playboy Will Harris, currently in hiding after a recent tabloid scandal.Skye desperately wants a home to call her own. Will needs a place to escape the ghosts of his past. So they decide to put aside their differences and renovate the cottage together.But when a storm hits, Skye and Will are forced to stay on to ensure that a Christmas wedding goes ahead. Can Skye finally find a home of her own? Can Will ever stop running from his past? The magic of winter at Willow Tree Hall is about to change everything...

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Názov: A Winter Wedding at Willowtree Hall (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104803

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