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Bob the Builder: Wendy Saves the Day (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Bob the Builder: Wendy Saves the Day (EN)

Bob, Wendy and the team have a new project – to build a treehouse for Saffi! Saffi has drawn up her own exciting designs and wants the treehouse to be the new headquarters for the Spring City Rockets. There’s a lot to do, so the team quickly get to work but the excitement proves too much for Saffi, who just can’t wait to explore her new treehouse before it’s ready. Luckily, Wendy and Bob are on hand to save the day!Join Bob the Builder and all his friends on exciting adventures! Scoop, Muck, Dizzy, Rolly, Lofty, Wendy, Pilchard, Bird, Travis, and Spud are ready to help the citizens of Spring City with all their projects, building a reception at the vet, a new clubhouse for the Spring City Rockets, or help prepare the Dino Park for the grand opening. Bob and the gang have so much fun, working together, they get the job done. Can we fix it? Yes, we can!Created in 1999 by Keith Chapman, Bob the Builder is a British children’s cartoon series. The show follows the adventures of construction manager Bob and his colleague Wendy, along with their team of skilled machines who are always ready to help get the job done. Bob’s catchphrase ‘Can We Fix it?’ is also the title of the theme song, which was a number one hit in the UK in the year 2000. Hugely popular with children across the globe, the series has been shown in multiple languages in more than thirty countries. | Bob the Builder and associated trademarks are owned by Mattel and used under license from Mattel Europa. © 2021 Mattel |

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Názov: Bob the Builder: Wendy Saves the Day (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104652

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