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Once Upon a Winter (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Once Upon a Winter (EN)

Hannah loves festive surprises. But the arrival of a handsome stranger on Christmas Day is much more than she bargained for...Snow is falling heavily on Holly Way. Inside her cottage, Hannah is trying to fake some holiday cheer. Freshly dumped, just in time for Christmas, her sister and niece have come to share the day with her and she owes it to them to put a brave face on things.But as they sit down to open their presents, they are interrupted by a knock at the door. On their doorstep is a handsome man with a nasty cut on his forehead, no coat, and no memory of who he is or how he came to be there. Once their unexpected guest is safe by the fire Hannah starts asking him questions to jog his memory. But although she learns nothing about his identity, Hannah can’t ignore the warm feeling she gets when he smiles at her. And it has nothing to do with the mulled wine. When the snow finally melts and spring flowers bloom, will the man who arrived at her door be just a funny story for Hannah to tell next Christmas?Filled with festive cheer, laughter and heart-warming scenes, immerse yourself in this enchanting story by Tilly Tennant. Perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie Silver.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Once Upon a Winter (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK104536

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