The Final Twist
Vydavateľ: | HarperCollins (Harper Collins Publishers) | |
Formát: | Kniha | |
Vydanie: | 2021/05 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Posledná zmena: 11.03.2025 03:05 |
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Obsah knihy: The Final Twist
The gripping new thriller from the No.1 Sunday Times bestseller Jeffery Deaver
Twist left.
Unique Investigator Colter Shaw is searching for the answer to his father's final, posthumous riddle. It will lead him to evidence that will topple the secretive espionage company, BlackBridge.
Twist right.
He believes BlackBridge to be responsible for his father's murder and brother's disappearance. They can outmanoeuvre anyone, as the long trail of bodies behind them can confirm.
But they haven't yet met Colter Shaw.
Don't slip up.
This time the stakes are huge - the fate of a nation is in Colter's hands. He must find the solution as to why his father died - but to do that he needs to stay alive...
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