The Adventures of Pinocchio (Ilustrated with Interactive Elements)
Vydavateľ: | HarperCollins (Harper Collins Publishers) | |
Formát: | Kniha | |
Vydanie: | 2020/05 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Obsah knihy: The Adventures of Pinocchio (Ilustrated with Interactive Elements)
The enduring children's tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, retold for a new generation in this spectacular full-color deluxe gift edition, packed with beautiful artwork and seven interactive features created by the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima.
Originally published in 1883, The Adventures of Pinocchio is one of the best known and beloved children's classics. Written by Italian political satirist Carlo Collodi, it is the story of Geppetto, a poor puppeteer who uses an enchanted piece of wood to carve a marionette boy he calls Pinocchio.
The impish Pinocchio does not want to be a puppet; he yearns to become a real boy. Soon, his curiosity, mischievousness, and naivete lead him away from his father's shop and into a series of perilous encounters with vicious puppet masters, cunning animals, and other magical characters. Along this perilous journey, the magical puppet learns how much turmoil, heart, and hard work it takes to become a "real boy." With a nose that grows larger with each lie he tells, Pinocchio has become an enduring icon in children's literature, and now his story is brilliantly reimagined in this stunning gift edition.
The Adventures of Pinocchio includes specially commissioned artwork and exclusive interactive features, including:
A Pinocchio puppet with clothing
Additional finger puppets
A small theatre for a puppet show
A court deck with Pinocchio behind sliding bars
A fold out shark revealing Pinocchio and Geppetto inside
This wondrous edition will enchant readers of every age an become a treasured keepsake passed down for generations.
Detaily o knihe
Názov: The Adventures of Pinocchio (Ilustrated with Interactive Elements)
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- Papiernický tovar
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- Puzzle
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