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Curves, Kisses and Chocolate Ice-Cream (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Curves, Kisses and Chocolate Ice-Cream (EN)

Dani’s on a mission to get her life back on track by the end of the summer. Running, rowing, aerobics and more, but perhaps all she needs are sweet treats and a second chance.Ten years ago, Dani fled Appledore with a broken-heart and a suitcase full of shattered dreams. Only now is she brave enough to put her past behind her and return for a summer selling homemade ice cream and getting fit by doing sit-ups by the sea.But the new-look cafe is filled with old memories of Jude, her teenage sweetheart-turned-sour. She thinks of him every time she swirls warm sauce onto a ‘chocolate-bockaglory’ and even with the help of Chris, her gorgeous personal trainer, the urge to break her diet is everywhere she turns.When Jude makes an appearance at the cafe on the eve of Dani’s birthday party, history threatens to repeat itself. Is Dani strong enough to say no? And is the love she’s been longing for much closer than she thinks?A truly delicious, laugh-out-loud beach read that’s guaranteed to melt your heart. Perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond, Abby Clements and Debbie Johnson.What readers are saying about Curves, Kisses and Chocolate Ice-Cream:‘Without a doubt, my new favourite book by Sue Watson – it’s fabulous, it’s funny, its full of ice-cream, its full of all around goodness, wrapped into one fantabulous story! I can't express how satisfying and enjoyable I found every second of this wonderfully entertaining story.’ - Rachel’s Random Reads, 5 stars‘This is such a truly wonderful book. In fact, it is now my personal favourite of the author’s. I feel like it should be my personal bible to keep going back to, to give me inspiration that it's never too late to turn yourself around. Thank you Sue Watson for creating such larger than life characters who never fail to give us hope whilst giving us an utterly enjoyable reading experience.’ - By The Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars‘This was a fantastic read, one that kept a huge smile on my face and had me laughing right the way through it... Overall this was a super summer read: one I think a lot of people can relate to and be inspired by the character Dani.’ - Goodreads, 5 stars

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Curves, Kisses and Chocolate Ice-Cream (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102465

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