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Ella's Ice-Cream Summer (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Ella's Ice-Cream Summer (EN)

Ella’s life just hit rock bottom, but can a summer by the sea mend her broken heart? When life gives you lemons... make ice cream! Life hasn’t always been easy for single mum Ella, but she has just hit an all-time low; she’s jobless, loveless, very nearly homeless and, to make matters worse, now the owner of a pocket-sized pooch with a better wardrobe than her. Packing her bags (and a bigger one for the dog), Ella sets off for the seaside town of Appledore in Devon to re-live the magical summers of her youth and claim her portion of the family ice-cream business: a clapped-out ice-cream van and a complicated mess of secrets.There she meets gorgeous and free-spirited solicitor, Ben, who sees things differently: with a little bit of TLC he has a plan to get the van – and Ella – back up and running in no time. Ella’s Ice-Cream Summer is a heart-warming and hilarious romance that will scoop you off your feet and prove it’s never too late for a fresh start. The ideal holiday read for fans of Lucy Diamond, Abby Clements and Debbie Johnson.What readers are saying about Ella’s Ice-Cream Summer:‘Beware! While reading this book you will get major cravings for ice cream of all sorts of flavours and depending on which page you are reading, you may end up snorting that ice cream through your nose, as you are laughing at the fabulousness of the story!’ - Rachel’s Random Reads‘This book came at the perfect time for me. It made me a little emotional, it made me smile, it made me laugh and if offered me the escape I needed. I'm looking forward to the second book in this series!’ - Novel Deelights‘I really enjoyed reading this book! This beautifully told story really explored families and their relationships in a feel-good way. A delicious book, a must-read. Can't wait for your next book Sue Watson!’ - Goodreads 5*

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Názov: Ella's Ice-Cream Summer (EN)

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