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When in Rome

Vydavateľ: Headline (Headline Publishing Group)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 23.02.2025 03:01

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Obsah knihy: When in Rome

Amelia Rose, known as Rae Rose to her fans, is burnt out from years of maintaining her 'princess of pop' image. Inspired by her favourite Audrey Hepburn film Roman Holiday, and desperate for a getaway from the music business, she drives off in the middle of the night for a respite in Rome . . . Rome, Kentucky, that is.

When Noah Walker finds Amelia on his front lawn in her broken-down car, he makes it clear he doesn't have the time or patience for celebrity problems. He's too busy running the pie shop his grandmother left him and reminding his nosy but lovable neighbours to mind their own damn business. But his heart softens when it becomes clear that years in the public eye have left Amelia lonely and isolated. Soon she'll have to return to her glamorous life on tour, but until then Noah will show Amelia all the charming small-town experiences she's been missing and she'll show him how to open his heart to more.

Amelia can't resist falling for Rome and her grumpy tour guide, but she keeps reminding herself that even Audrey had to go back to her real life in the end . . .

Detaily o knihe

Názov: When in Rome

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