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Return to the Little French Guesthouse (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Return to the Little French Guesthouse (EN)

Many of us long to leave everything behind and start a sun-soaked new life. Emmy Jamieson has done it - she is the manager of a beautiful guesthouse that nestles among vineyards in France. She has also found love with gorgeous Alain the accountant. Life could not be better.She is so happy that she is even confident that she can cope with the arrival of the eccentric, demanding Thomson family for a golden wedding. Then, in steps owner Rupert's poisonous ex-wife Gloria, who criticizes Emmy, attacks Alain and unpicks Rupert's finances. Things start to fall apart and Emmy fears her dream life is about to become a nightmare.Fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Nick Alexander will be drawn to join Emmy among the vineyards.What everyone’s saying about 'Return to the Little French Guesthouse':‘I've absolutely fallen in love... I felt myself longing for a Rupert of my own in times of crisis... I'll also take some friends like Sophie and Ellie... What I really want, though, is at least one more book with all of them.’ - Well Read Pirate Queen ‘Oh wow! I absolutely loved, lived, laughed and cried with this brilliant, addictive tale. I ADORED the first book in the series and reading this one was like meeting up with much loved old friends... oodles of humour thrown in. A beautiful, fun tale, set in stunning surroundings, with characters that you don't want to leave behind. Highly recommended!’- Renita D’Silva, author of "The War Child"Return to the Little French Guesthouse has been published in 7 languages and the series has sold over 230,000 copies in the English language.As a child, Helen had a vivid imagination fuelled by her love of reading (long past her bedtime!) so she started to create her own stories in a notebook. She still prefers fictional worlds to real life and loves infusing her writing with humour and heart. Helen lives in Yorkshire with her husband, two grown-up (in theory) kids and a Jekyll and Hyde cat. She enjoys reading, coffee with friends and indulging her nostalgia by watching old seventies and eighties TV shows.

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Názov: Return to the Little French Guesthouse (EN)

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