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The Adventures of a Jackal (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Adventures of a Jackal (EN)

The Adventures of a Jackal is a classic children's short story : " In a country which is full of wild beasts of all sorts there once lived a jackal and a hedgehog, and, unlike though they were, the two animals made great friends, and were often seen in each other's company. One afternoon they were walking along a road together, when the jackal, who was the taller of the two, exclaimed: 'Oh! there is a barn full of corn; let us go and eat some.' 'Yes, do let us!' answered the hedgehog. So they went to the barn, and ate till they could eat no more. Then the jackal put on his shoes, which he had taken off so as to make no noise, and they returned to the high road. After they had gone some way they met a panther, who stopped, and bowing politely, said: 'Excuse my speaking to you, but I cannot help admiring those shoes of yours. Do you mind telling me who made them?' 'Yes, I think they are rather nice,' answered the jackal; 'I made them myself, though.' 'Could you make me a pair like them?' asked the panther eagerly...--

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Adventures of a Jackal (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102272

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