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The Black Pearl, the Adventures of Arsene Lupin the Gentleman Burglar (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Black Pearl, the Adventures of Arsene Lupin the Gentleman Burglar (EN)

Arsene Lupin: one of the most famous and intriguing figures of French detective literature. He was created by Maurice Leblanc, a brilliant journalist, writer and storyteller, and is the hero of a total of 24 books, novels and short stories alike. The fictional gentleman thief is a master of disguise, a criminal genius and a moral figure well-set in righting a few wrongs himself when Justice can't be bothered. Léontine Zalti was once immensely rich and famous, and the greatest jewelers treated her as a queen. Today, nothing is left of her immense fortune, save for one black pearl, her prize and passion. This is a challenge Arsene Lupin cannot resist. But he's in for a surprise...This series of audiobooks recorded by the best storytellers recaptures all the elegance and finesse of the beloved French criminal.--

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Názov: The Black Pearl, the Adventures of Arsene Lupin the Gentleman Burglar (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102260

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