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Arms Around Frank Richardson (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Arms Around Frank Richardson (EN)

Nature or nurture? The impact of traumatic childhood experiences reverberates into the grown-up world of Frank, Alice and Henry – children from three families suffering the fall-out from their early life. Frank, a working-class boy abused by his step-father. Alice, physically handicapped and frustrated. Henry, the less clever son of wealthy ambitious parents. From a rundown estate in Eastleigh, a small town in Darlington and an affluent Cotswold home, each character grapples with the life fate has handed them. Until by chance they all come together in adulthood, the repercussions are explosive.-Sylvia Colley was born in Romsey, Hampshire. She became a teacher and spent many years as Head of English at the Purcell School in North London.She has published a book of poetry, "It's Not What I Wanted Though", and a novel, "Lights on Dark Water". Her work has been read on BBC Radio 4. She lives in Pinner, Middlesex.

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Názov: Arms Around Frank Richardson (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102123

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