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The Vatican Secret (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Vatican Secret (EN)

There is a nuclear weapon in the hands of the Vatican City’s deadliest enemy. And time is running out to stop an attack...Marco Venetti, the only man the Pope trusts, is on the hunt for a traitor. He is willing to do anything to protect the church, and the man at its heart. Even if it means getting blood on his hands...But when Marco finds him, the traitor reveals terrifying new information: the name of a Russian mafioso with a grudge against the Vatican and possession of a nuclear bomb. If Marco doesn’t work with him, the consequences will be deadly.Inside the stone walls of an ancient castle in Portugal, surrounded by high mountains, Marco waits to ambush his target. But a double-cross ruins everything and he must flee, alone and without backup, leaving a trail of death and destruction behind. For the first time in his life, he doubts his calling, and fears for his faith.Yet an attack is imminent. And to prevent it, Marco must enter a deadly game of cat-and-mouse that will take him across the continent, on land and by sea. With time running out, he will stop at nothing to uncover the truth. Because the secrets inside the Vatican may be the deadliest threat of all. And only Marco can restore honor to the church, by any means necessary...The Vatican Secret is an explosive thriller full of treachery, international conspiracy and non-stop action. Fans of Joel C. Rosenberg, Tom Clancy and Steven Konkoly will be completely gripped.Praise for the Marco Venetti series:"Grabs you on the first page and is powered by non-stop action and a taut, emotional narrative...- A real page turner!" Goodreads reviewer"Riveting... I was completely engrossed... A tonne of action, plenty of twists and turns, and enough drama to keep you feverishly turning the pages." - Readers Retreat"How on earth did I miss book 1? What a travesty!... Mix of priest & James Bond... Fast paced, tightly crafted, great characters." - Nikki's Book Nook.Peter Hogenkamp was born in upstate New York and attended the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. He graduated in 1986 and was exiled to Europe for three years by his premedical adviser, for which he will be grateful the rest of his days. Supposedly teaching chemistry and algebra in Salzburg, Austria, he traveled extensively and made many a lifelong friend. When he isn't writing or hiking with his strong-willed Cairn Terrier, Hermione, Peter practices medicine with his lovely wife, Lisa, hosts Your Health Matters, and tends to his four children.

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Názov: The Vatican Secret (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK101438

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