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Price Wars : How Chaotic Markets Are Creating a Chaotic World

Vydavateľ: Orion Books (Orion)
Počet strán:328
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
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Posledná zmena: 01.11.2024 03:05

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 28,- €
Vaša predajná cena : 32,94 €
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Obsah knihy: Price Wars : How Chaotic Markets Are Creating a Chaotic World

For Rupert Russell, the shock of the Trump-Brexit victories was only the latest in a decade full of them: the unstoppable war in Syria, huge migrant flows into Europe, beheadings in Iraq, children caged at the US border. In Price Wars he sets out on an improbable journey to investigate what caused the wave of chaos that consumed the world in the 2010s.

Armed with a notebook, flak jacket and pink socks, Russell travels to modern apocalypses across five continents, embedding with separatist soldiers in the trenches of Eastern Ukraine, gangs of street kids battling over garbage in Caracas, the UN bomb disposal squad in Iraq and cattle raiders in Northern Kenya. He traces the origins of these conflicts back to dramatic and mysterious swings in the prices of essential commodities. He meets with commodity speculators who describe the inner workings of these volatile markets, explaining how food prices can spike even in years of abundant harvests, causing bread riots and revolutions. Oil prices can surge on rumours, enriching and emboldening dictators and terrorists alike. These price shocks, and many others across the decade, triggered local disasters that became global catastrophes. It is chaotic prices, Russell learned, fuelled by banks and hedge funds in New York and London, that have toppled regimes and fractured the West.

Price Wars is a page-turning chronicle of discovery and a ground-breaking expose of the power of price to devastate the world.

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Názov: Price Wars : How Chaotic Markets Are Creating a Chaotic World

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