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100 Quotes About Faith (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: 100 Quotes About Faith (EN)

We have selected for you 100 great quotes about faith. Faith is a strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. Faith can inspire great men and women in their actions, in their thoughts, in their lives. The Bible contains a clear definition of faith: faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Simply put, the biblical definition of faith is trusting in something you cannot explicitly prove. This definition of faith contains two aspects: intellectual assent and trust. Intellectual assent is believing something to be true. Trust is actually relying on the fact that the something is true. Faith can help us live, love, make some choices in our lives, and have a decent life in a complicated world. A great quote is very similar to a great thinking and a small poem. It can encapsulate a large web of ideas, thoughts, reflections, emotions in a few words. The reader of a great quote is forced to think about what he just heard. He has to think about those words and what they mean. An excellent quote requires the reader to pause to contemplate the real meaning and poetry of a few words. A great thought reaches a level of universality. Quotes hit hard into the essence of being human. The right quote can help us see some invisible meanings of things or subjects. The range of authors of those 100 quotes about faith is very wide: from Mahatma Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, from Mother Teresa, of course, to Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, Voltaire, Leonardo da Vinci, from William Shakespeare to the Holy Bible.

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