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When love hurts...

Vydavateľ: -
Jazyk: anglický
Formát:Elektronická kniha
Počet strán:103
Poradie vydania:1.
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Vaša predajná cena : 9,- €
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Obsah knihy: When love hurts...

"When Love Hurts..." is a book that reads itself. An engaging story of an ordinary extraordinary woman. A look at love that can surprise us at any age.
Do you think it cannot happen to you? That a few crosses determining your age are a sufficient certainty that you have survived "everything", that the feeling of butterflies in your stomach or shaky knees is long over? Believe me, it does not have to be like that. Love can surprise you anytime, anywhere, at any age.
Julia, the protagonist of this story, faces a dilemma: fighting to save the marriage or starting a new life?
Life prepares for us many surprises and situations that we have to deal with, but the decision is not always up to us…

Detaily o knihe

Názov: When love hurts...

Objednávací kód NADBK100027

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