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I Will Survive (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: I Will Survive (EN)

A laugh-out-loud, heart-warming read for every parent who has struggled bleary-eyed through toddler tantrums, school fancy dress fails and found unlikely friendships over wine and cakeAs a single mom, Frankie’s bold and brave, and right now she’s winning at life – isn’t she? Underneath her big smile and daring outfits, she’s hiding a secret. Her five-year-old son Liam is awesome. But life as a solo parent is tough. Her job as a barmaid sucks, her meddling mother is taking over and she’s far from living her best life.Maybe she’s lost her way and starting to feel... lonely.When Frankie’s overbearing mother breaks her leg and has to go and live with her saintly sister, it’s time for Frankie to hit shuffle and shake things up. Because she wants to turn things around for the little boy who holds the keys to her broken heart.Surrounded by perfect mothers, Frankie realises she needs some real mum friends to get her through the repetitive school runs and red-faced dating disasters. The kind of people who won’t judge your shop bought cakes and will bring wine to your door, just because.So Frankie sweeps up anxious Kate and organised Alison in her whirlwind. As the trio face the troubles and trials of motherhood, they learn that parenting is about taking one day at a time. And together they can wing it through anything, can’t they?Perfect for fans of The UnMumsy Mum, Why Mummy Drinks and Poppy Dolan.A 5-star must-read: ‘Oh my goodness this book is so so funny! It will have you laughing until you cry!...A fantastically funny read!’ - Jessica’s Book Biz‘A brilliant, laugh out loud read...I loved the characters... it really is the perfect read... such a wonderful novel...I highly recommend this book’ Lead Reads Books‘Made me laugh out loud with a big beamer of a smile on my face...A fabulous, fun-filled, gentle read which will make you laugh.’ The Writing Garnet ‘EVERYONE can enjoy this book, even if you are not a mum. There is something for everyone I promise. I was laughing out loud a lot.’ Zooloo’s Book Blog -Growing up in Birmingham, Pippa James was never without at least one book on the go and therefore lived several different lives concurrently. As an adult, she would like to spend much of her time the same way, but she now lives a chaotic life in a small Derbyshire town with her husband and two children. Her writing is frequently interrupted by parenting duties and her day job as a teacher and the only way she can find a quiet space to think, is by taking her laptop to the pub, which she does at every opportunity.

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Názov: I Will Survive (EN)

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