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Herland (Premium) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Herland (Premium) (EN)

‘Herland’ is a trailblazing novel by feminist icon Charlotte Perkins Gilman and should be on everyone's TBR list. In this new audio edition, acclaimed actress Rosy McEwen delivers a spellbinding performance bringing a modern and fresh touch to this "forgotten feminist classic" as The Guardian called it.The story follows Vandyck ‘Van’ Jennings and two explorer friends as they venture out in to unexplored territory in search of a lost female only society. When they happen upon the female utopia, they are eventually captured and held within Herland, as Van calls it.What follows is a journey of epic proportions, in a beautiful otherworldly city, vividly brought to life by Gilman’s penmanship. Gilman explores the inherent stereotypes of women each of the men have, before breaking them down one by one. It is a gripping adventure caper, with a stunning depth of world building, character design and a powerful social commentary.Written in a time where women didn’t even have the right to vote, this is a arresting story and an incredible piece of feminist literature. An absolute must for anybody interested in iconic literature and early feminist works.'Herland' is an absolute gem of a novel, and Rosy McEwen's narration makes this edition outstanding. If you love DC's 'Wonder Woman' you'll love this novel.-Feminist icon Charlotte Perkins Gilman, paved the way for women writers such as Alice Walker and Sylvia Plath, with her thought provoking and descriptive work. Appreciated as a feminist writer for tackling women's issues of the day, but also as an accomplished horror writer. Her subtle themes and ability to guide the reader through her characters, at times, crumbling psyche, earned the respect of pioneering horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, among others.

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Názov: Herland (Premium) (EN)

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