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One Way or Another (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: One Way or Another (EN)

Twenty-nine-year-old Katie Kelly is at an all-time low. By now she was supposed to have the perfect relationship and her dream career – but her boyfriend left her behind to travel the world, she’s sleeping on a friend’s sofa, and she’s working a temporary job... that she’s been in for two years.This is not the life she dreamed.But with the help of Martha, an eighty-year-old who believes in living life to the absolute full, Katie is about to start again – to grab hold of life with both hands and give it a big shakeup, starting with getting out of her dead-end job. When old flame, gorgeous Ben Cole, unexpectedly reappears in Katie’s life, it seems like true love might be within reach too...Soon Katie is on the cusp of getting everything she wanted: dream job, dream man, dream life. But can she really have it all? A hilarious, heart-warming story full of romance, friendship and laughs. If you like Lindsey Kelk, Marian Keyes or Cate Woods, you will love Colleen Coleman.‘A fabulously light-hearted and entertaining read that will have you bubbling with emotions... So wonderful that I read it in one sitting... Captivated me and I couldn't put it down.’ - By The Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars‘Fun, wonderfully uplifting and a joy to read. Colleen has worked her magic yet again. Fab.’ - Goodreads reviewer‘Amazing... I read this book in one sitting. I was completely engulfed, I loved every minute of the drama... An uplifting read and a laugh-out-loud story.’ - The Flickering Pages, 5 stars‘I loved this book – a classic Colleen Coleman where the heroine resonates with real life and the characters ring true... A fast, enjoyable and delicious read!’ - Goodreads reviewerOver 38,000 copies sold. With Bookouture, Colleen's titles have sold almost 300,000 copies.-Colleen Coleman is an Irish-Canadian novelist known for her bestselling novels 'For Once in My Life' and 'Don't Stop Me Now'. She is the winner of the much-coveted Novelicious Undiscovered People’s Choice Award launched to find the next ‘chick-lit star’. She spent over ten years working as a teacher of English and Philosophy before finally taking a deep breath, scrunching her eyes shut, putting her pen to paper and vowing not to lift it again until she wrote the words The End. As a result, her first novel was born. Colleen lives between London, Ireland and Cyprus with her very patient husband and very, very chatty twin daughters.

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Názov: One Way or Another (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK98435

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