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Fireman Sam - A Super Football Match (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Fireman Sam - A Super Football Match (EN)

In Pontypandy the town is preparing for the sports event of the year – the annual football match between the firefighters and the bus drivers! No one is more excited than young Norman, though he had forgotten that he promised to help Rosalia with her pizza stand at the stadium and will miss the match. Whilst the game gets underway, Norman has all kinds of problems in the kitchen, but luckily Sam, Elvis and Penny are all nearby to lend a hand! © 2022 Prism Art & Design Limited. The Fireman Sam name and character are trademarks of Prism Art & Design Limited. Based on an original idea by D. Gingell, D. Jones and original characters created by R.M.J. Lee.Join Fireman Sam on exciting adventures with his colleagues Station Officer Steele, Elvis, Tom, Penny, and everyone else from Pontypandy. He greets people that he meets when driving down the busy streets with Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, and the other cool rescue vehicles. When he hears that fire-bell chime, Fireman Sam is there on time when a penguin escapes the zoo, a giant pumpkin causes trouble, and when a concert and a soccer game goes up in flames. He’s always on the scene, and you cannot ignore, Sam is the hero next door.Fireman Sam is a British animated TV series created by two former firefighters Dave Gingell and Dave Jones and developed by artist and writer Rob Lee. It first aired on British television in 1987 and has since become hugely popular around the world – airing in more than 35 languages in 155 countries. Set in the fictional rural Welsh village of Pontypandy, brave Fireman Sam and his fellow firefighters have had all sorts of adventures together over their 30-year history, and are always close at hand to help out.© 2022 Prism Art & Design Limited. The Fireman Sam name and character are trademarks of Prism Art & Design Limited. Based on an original idea by D. Gingell, D. Jones and original characters created by R.M.J. Lee.

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Názov: Fireman Sam - A Super Football Match (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK98085

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