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December 25: He Came for Christmas - An Erotic Christmas Calendar (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: December 25: He Came for Christmas - An Erotic Christmas Calendar (EN)

‘As he ran his fingertips across her back, her body screamed for more and she pressed herself against him.’Marcus has driven up north to take care of the house he inherited from his grandmother. But his car isn’t made for the snowy and rural roads, and his car ends up on the side of the road.Sanna is on her way to pick up a Christmas tree when she drives past a car that is stuck in a ditch, and a man who is desperately needing her help. She helps her new neighbour out, and Marcus immediately feels as if there is something familiar about her.Sanna is not thrilled about her new neighbour – who obviously can’t take care of himself – but the two of them get a second chance to get to know each other at the annual Christmas party in town. Let’s just say that everything is possible after a couple of drinks from the bar and with a mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.-Vicktoria Gilles and Shailene Craig are pseudonyms for two Swedish writers living on opposite sides of Sweden. With their passionate short stories, they want to invite their readers on a flight from reality. They find their inspiration in every little aspect of everyday life. Vicktoria and Shailene write light-heartedly and humorously about hot and sometimes tough situations, many of their joint short stories are also erotic thrillers.

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Názov: December 25: He Came for Christmas - An Erotic Christmas Calendar (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK97150

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