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Clout (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Clout (EN)

"Personal Clout" is an entertaining and honest guide to speaking publicly. This book will teach you how to effectively get your message across to other people - a skill in high demand from managers and employers.After becoming a bestselling book in Europe, Jesper Klit's "Personal Clout" is now available for the first time in English. Learn as the author shares some of the invaluable tools, lessons and methods he has picked up during the decades of experience he has from working as a communications consultant, TV journalist and media lecturer. By reading about the seven effective habits common among the world's best communicators, you will receive guidance and inspiration to strengthen your ability to cut through the fog and achieve the attention you deserve.The 7 habits Jesper Klit explores are:1. Know Yourself2. Plan Your Success3. Say What Your Body is Saying4. Cast Yourself5. Involve Your Audience6. Design and Tell Effective Stories7. Train Your Personal Clout-Jesper Klit is a Communications Adviser, Director of Jesper Klit & Partners, and moreover he is one of the most popular and inspiring European speakers in the fields of communication and leadership. Jesper specializes in the development of personal clout, media coaching, and business storytelling. He advises a number of companies and leaders – from prime ministers to CEOs – on issues relating to personal and strategic communication. Furthermore, he is the author of several books on media, communication, and leadership.

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Názov: Clout (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK96747

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