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Christmas at Frozen Falls (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Christmas at Frozen Falls (EN)

Christmas magic can thaw the coldest of hearts...From the author of "One Winter’s Night", an uplifting, feel-good Christmas romance that will captivate readers of Holly Martin, Cathy Bramley and Milly Johnson.Sylvie Magnusson is going to be lonely this Christmas. Instead of jetting off for her honeymoon, she’s freezing at home in Cheshire. Guess that’s what happens when your fiancé dumps you a week before your wedding...Sylvie’s best friend, Nari, plans a trip to see the Northern Lights and get Sylvie’s mojo back. But as their Lapland getaway approaches, Sylvie realises that Frozen Falls is the hometown of Stellan Virtanen, her dreamy Finnish ex-boyfriend, the one that got away.When they meet, Stellan’s still gorgeous – and her heart is warmed when he shows her the romantic delights of Lapland (as well as some adorable Husky puppies). But when she returns to England, can she really leave Stellan behind? Or will she find that her heart belongs in the frozen North?-Kiley Dunbar is a writer of romantic fiction and teaches creative writing and English literature at a university in the North of England. She’s a proud member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and a graduate of their New Writers’ Scheme.She met her very own leading man, working as a Shakespeare tour guide in Stratford-Upon-Avon – much like her heroine in One Summer’s Night. They got engaged four days after they met, telling you that one, she’s not exactly risk-averse and two, she’s a true romantic.She loves writing light-hearted romantic books with dreamy locations, female friendships, the occasional literary reference and love stories with Christmassy sparkle or summer sunshine, and always, a Happy Ever After.

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Názov: Christmas at Frozen Falls (EN)

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