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Dreaming of Christmas (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Dreaming of Christmas (EN)

It’s the dream Christmas: snow, mountains... and, er, an ex-boyfriend. But can Zoe still find love in the Alps?Dumped on Christmas Eve by her long-term boyfriend, it’s been a rough year for Zoe Lumsley. But then she gets an invitation she can’t refuse: an all-expenses-paid skiing holiday with old university friends. The bad news: her ex, Grant, will be there with his new girlfriend. But so will her former flatmate Billy, the organiser, and in the meantime, he’s done rather well for himself.As Christmas in the Alps approaches, it'll be great to see the old gang. Some more than others...Perfect for readers of Tilly Tenant, Holly Martin and Philippa Ashley, this is a magical festive getaway from the bestselling T.A. Williams.Praise for T.A. Williams‘The characters in the story really make it exceptional...Natalie is a brilliant protagonist... and I absolutely adored her journey to self-discovery to find her new identity.’ BooksandBookends‘Wow! This is contemporary romance at its best! The writing is exquisite....And the plot is brilliantly clever, captivating, and delightful with a little bit of drama, love, loss, and of course romance.’ WhatsBetterThanBooks‘The characters are all brilliantly written, the storyline flows extremely well throughout, and I loved every bit of it.’ Fiona Wilson (#10 Goodreads reviewer UK)‘T. A. Williams has that gorgeous way of writing a feel good story...he’s absolutely backed up that men can write chick-lit.’ Reviewed The Book (Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer)T.A. Williams lives in Devon with his Italian wife. He was born in England of a Scottish mother and Welsh father. After a degree in modern languages at Nottingham University, he lived and worked in Switzerland, France and Italy, before returning to the UK. He’s taught Arab princes, Brazilian beauty queens and Italian billionaires. He speaks several languages and has travelled extensively. He has eaten snake, still-alive fish, and alligator. A Spanish dog, a Russian bug and a Korean parasite have done their best to eat him in return. His hobby is long-distance cycling, but his passion is writing.

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Názov: Dreaming of Christmas (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK95142

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