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Because You’re Mine (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Because You’re Mine (EN)

Is it always for the best to look for a missing person? Gunvor Ström is not entirely sure as she believes there are those who don´t want to be found.Despite this, she takes on a case. A wife needs help to find her husband, Per Cedergren. A simple case at first glance. Gunvor is convinced that he has sneaked off on an adventure with a mistress and soon will return voluntarily.Gunvor's good friend Aidan also makes his debut as a private detective when he helps a new acquaintance to look for her missing friend. When Gunvor and Aidan take the help of their young friends, Elin and David, the two parallel cases meander closer to each other. But how do they relate? And what do the disappearances have in common with the murders that at first glance appear to be hate crimes.Soon they find themselves in the eye of the storm not knowing where the danger lurks.Because you´re mine is the second book in the series of private detective Gunvor Ström. Great for fans of Lisa Regan and Simon McCleave.-Author Luna Miller (pseudonym) was born in Sundsvall, Sweden 1962. She specializes in Nordic Noir and is the writer of the international bestseller 'Three Days in September'. She is also one of the authors of the international anthology 'Love Unboxed 2'.

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Názov: Because You’re Mine (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK95042

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