knihy, ktorými žijete
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Vydavateľ: Alma Books (Alma Books)
Počet strán:144
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
Informácie o dostupnosti

Posledná zmena: 22.12.2024 02:59

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 10,23 €
Vaša predajná cena : 12,04 €
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Obsah knihy: Pygmalion

When professor of phonetics Henry Higgins wagers with Colonel Pickering that he could teach even a gutter-mouthed flower seller how to speak like a duchess, little does he expect that his social experiment will be riddled with difficulties, and that behind her cockney parlance the girl in question, Eliza Doolittle, has a mind, ideas and aspirations of her own. Things come to a crux when the creature starts to rebel against her creator - and the scene is set for a play that questions the class system, social appearances and the role of women in society.

Universally regarded as Shaw's most successful work, Pygmalion - here presented in its definitive 1941 version, with footnotes indicating the textual variants from the first volume edition of 1916 - has spawned a great number of adaptations, among them the famous 1956 Broadway musical My Fair Lady, and shows ancient myth's undiminished ability to find new incarnations in modern life.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Pygmalion

Objednávací kód NA639523

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